Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hi Jared!

Monday, June 23, 2008

"This is an SOS" "I'm burnin up for you baby"

Okay so I used to make fun of the Jonas Brothers all the time. I didn't understand why people liked these pre-teen heart throbs (thanks court!). I figured they were just like Hannah Montana, but in boy form. K that just is not true. They are wayyy (notice the 3 y's) better than her. It happened about 2 weeks ago. I came across them on youtube and found out that I liked them. Go figure! I should have known though...they are from Disney! Anyway I've been watching Camp Rock and listening to their music a little bit and I've never been happier! Ha JK but really, they're good! A few days ago I was having a bad day. I was missing Mandi and just frustrated with some things. I came home early from a party, layed down on the couch, turned on the tv and who was on? Yep, Nic, Kevin and Joe. Then it hit me... I'M GOING TO MARRY ONE OF THE JONAS BROTHERS. Wow! Okay! I guess you could call it a revelation. I don't know which brother, hopefully Nic. I don't know how I'm going to meet them and I don't know why, but I know its going to happen. I'm callin it. When it does happen you can all say "Oh yeah. DIdn't she write about that on her blog one time? Wow. She knew it." So there ya go...Whitney Jonas. Isn't it weird that I really believe that? Haha maybe I shouldn't post this...

Friday Fishing...

Guess what?! I got the nanny job! Woo hoo hoo! I started this week and it went really well. The kids are cute and the family rocks! I took the boys fishing on Friday. Let me just start by saying that I know exactly why my family didn't fish while growing up. And by golly, Im thankful we didn't! Yes, it's a relaxing thing to do, and what a peaceful setting, but what happens when you actually catch the fish? Do you A. Gut it and eat it. or B. Throw it back. Okay, like Nelly and Kelly here was our dilemma- One of the boys caught a fish. We ran over and gave him a high five! "Good job man! You caught one!" He then replied "Yeah but its a catfish so lets throw it back." That when all the trouble began! They tried to get the hook out of the fish, but it was in his lip too far. They even used these fish-mouth-open tools, but nothing worked. They said "Should we just let him die and throw him away?" Whats a girl to do? They said "we'll just do it fast." I said "okay," and turned my head away. They tried to kill the fish with their knife but for some reason couldn't do it. Then they used the edge of the net and hit it with that. They thought the catfish was dead so then tried to get the hook out again. Guess what? The fish was still breathing. Im not kidding that was superfish. It seriously wouldn't die. Anyways, when they finally got the hook out we decided to throw him back because he was still breathing. We put Superfish in the water. His body didn't move too much but his gills were moving, which is a good sign. So right then is when I got sick to my stomach- I realized that we paralyzed Superfish. I sat and watched him for a few minutes, repeating to myself "pull through bud." Then he moved! He went from a vertical fish position to a horizontal one. I told the boys he was still alive! They then informed me that when fish move from vertical to horizontal it means theyre dead. Yep, they were right.
I held my saddness in all day...until last night. I was telling my mom about it and let it all out! Honestly, it just made me sad that Superfish died for no reason. I know now that we should have just cut the line.
All in all, it was a very eventful day fishing. Can't wait till next Friday...sort of....

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Livin the Dream..

Dr. J's my hermano, of whom I adore
He told me to start a blog because apparently I'm no bore.
I have no idea who will actually read this crap,
but I feel as though it may take away from my naps.
Who am I kidding? I don't have a job.
I sleep in till noon and then make up this blog.
I play a little tennis, and when motivated, I run.
I then scrounge up some food and go have some fun.
It's Summer Days in Logan! Oh what a joy!
Demolition Derbies, bands, venders, oh boy!
I find out tomorrow if I'll be a nanny
for some cute kids named Sam, Max and Lanny.
Until then I'll continue to live the dream
of ice cream and tennis and being eighteen (or twenty!)